Tuesday 23 February 2010

Harley Davidson and Indian BICYCLES

The picture above is an original Indian bicycle. We all know that many of the motorcycle companies started creating bicycles and changed after the invention of the combustion engine. What I didn't know -am I an ignorant? probably- is that they came back afterwards trying to survive to bad times. The good thing is that when they did they included some of the motorcycles features to those bikes that could make anyone dream about having them. The Indian is superb, just look at the fenders and that fake gas tank. Amazing.

But of course, Harley Davidson did the same. From my point of view, the Indian is more beautiful but this Harley Bike seems more efficient as it looks lighter. Both of them have signs of their origins like the H D found on this second one on the primary transmission -ups sorry, I ain't talking about a motored vehicle!
Of course, good times appeared, and both companies stopped making these bicycles in order to go on with their mean machines they're famous for.

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